Publication History:
John Denison Champlin, Jr., ed., Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1887), Vol. III, referenced as "Secret."
Nicolaus Mann, Gabriel Max, Eine kunsthistorische Skizze (Leipzig: Verlagsbuchhandlung von J. J. Weber, second, expanded edition 1890), referenced and illustrated.
Friedrich von Boetticher, Malerwerke des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, 4 volumes, Third, unchanged reprinting, (Hofheim am Taunus: H. Schmidt & C. Günther, 1979) (initially Fr. v. Boetticher's Verlag, Dresden 1891–1901), here volume one, second half, no. 78 (referenced without illustration) (reports location as Berlin at that time).
Meisterwerke der Holzschneidekunst, Vol. 8 (Leipzig: J. J. Weber, 1893), wood engraving.
Franz Hermann Meißner, "Gabriel Max," in Die Kunst unserer Zeit. Eine Chronik des modernen Kunstlebens (Munich 1899), Lieferung 2, pgs. 1-32, ill. pg. 19.