Gabriel von Max

Studies after Delaroche 

pencil on paper

circa 1860

Gabriel Max 

Studies after the French artist Paul Delaroche, including his Self-Portrait of 1838

pencil on paper, a page from a sketchbook
24 x 19 cm
circa 1860

Estate stamp in ink lower right (Nachlass Gabriel von Max)


The studies after Delaroche relate to his paintings "Mort du President Duranti," "Herodias," and "Portrait of the Artist's son Philippe Delaroche," as well as to his drawing "Self-Portrait" of 1838.

According to 19th-century art historian Dr. Agathon Klemt, Gabriel Max, as a young artist,  studied and was profoundly influenced by a photographic publication that reproduced all of the work of Paul Delaroche, who had died in 1858.  See: Agathon Klemt, "Gabriel Max und seine Werke," in Die Graphischen Künste, ed. Oskar Berggruen, Jahrgang IX., Heft I (Wien: Gesellschaft für Vervielfältigende Kunst, 1886/87) 1-12, discussion at pgs. 4 and 8.  See also: Adolf Kohut, "Gabriel Max," Westermanns illustrierte deutsche Monatshefte 54 (1883),173-186, who at pgs. 179-180 also notes the influence of the photographs  of Delaroche's work. The publication in question was likely: Oeuvre de Paul Delaroche, reproduit en Photographie par Bingham (Paris, 1858).


The Daulton Collection