Gabriel von Max


cryptographic manuscript, dated November 2-3, 1888


Gabriel von Max (1840-1915)

cryptographic or pictographic manuscript

(autograph manuscript with cryptographs or pictographs)

recto dated upper left "2.11.88" and verso "3.11.88." (November 2-3, 1888)

ink on paper

15,6 x 9,9 cm 

one sheet, writing on recto and verso

(detail showing verso only)


Susanne Böller, "Geheimcodes und Liebesbriefe [Secret Codes and Love Letters]," in Karin Althaus and Helmut Friedel, Gabriel von Max, Malerstar, Darwinist, Spiritist (München: Hirmer Verlag, 2010), at pp. 237-240.  A partial key to von Max's code appears on page 238.


The Daulton Collection